From Education to Employment through Entrepreneurship
The main aim of the project is to design and profuselly test a joint methodology within AE providers which will allow, on the one hand, the diagnosis and assessment of the entrepreneurship capabilities of individuals and, on the other hand, to share and develop a comprehensive series of actions (training modules) that respond to the needs identified and, thus, contribute to foster the provision of key competences to entrepreneurs and to improve the links between education and training and the success within the world of work.
The working methodology will benefit all involved parts since will become a mechanism for knowledge and research carried out within educational institutions to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer with their own staff and trainees and, on the other hand, trainees will have at their disposal a Entrepreneurial Kit for the improvement of their entrepreneurial capabilities.
Implemented under the ERASMUS + program.
Term of project impementation: 2. 9. 2019 - 1. 9. 2021
- Ivo Škrabal, Tel: 777 793 714, E-mail:

Flexible Forms of Work as Opportunity for Women in Šumperk Area
The project aims to support 20 women with children under 15 or women over 55 years of age from the Šumperk district in the Olomouc region. The main objective is to achieve employment for the participants on the labour market and increase the offer of flexible forms of work. 5 participants will be offered a job with a wage benefit for the period of 6-12 months. At the same time we initiate cooperation with employers which consists in education and motivation to increase the offer of flexible forms of work in the Šumperk area. One of the project activities - JOB MARKET - is a regional market of work opportunities whose objective is supporting equal opportunities, offer of suitable forms of employment and connecting project participants with employers.
Term of project implementation: 1/1/2017 - 31/5/2018
Implemented under the Operational Programme Employment.
Computer Service Training for Personal and Professional Development
The project aims to develop IT skills especially in people over 50 who lack knowledge in this area. The project aims to reduce differences in computer literacy between the young and older generations. Increasing computer literacy in this group leads to higher opportunities for employment and decreasing the risks endangering them with social exclusion. Unlike common educational programmes in the field this training also includes a follow-up professional preparation under supervision of a trainer and consultant. The BEC cooperative is implementing this project in cooperation with 4 foreign partners:
• INNEO - Studio Twórczego Rozwoju, Poland,
• Lancaster and Morecambe College, Great Britain,
• Fundación Siglo22, Spain,
• Future in Perspective Limited, Ireland
One of the project objectives is also exchange of experience and well-tried procedures in the area of computer services. Inter-partner trainings are held and we are gradually developing a common educational programme which reflects not only support in the area of IT skills but also aims to contribute to social and professional development.
You will find more information HERE.
This project is implemented under ERASMUS+ programme.
Term of project implementation: 1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018
Business-Employment Co-operatives - Chance for Moravian-Silesian Region Project No. CZ.1.04/2.1.01/D8.00065
BEC Coop is the receipient of a contribution to wage costs for the creation of 3 jobs to verify the sustainability of business activities of supported persons in the framework of CCO (Moravian Silesian Region) project.
Duration of the project: March 1, 2015 - November 30, 2015.
You will find more information on facebook HERE.
Business-Employment Co-operatives - Innovative tool of active policy of employment
Project No. CZ.1.04/2.1.01/91.00189
BEC Coop is the recipient of a contribution to wage costs for the creation of 4 jobs to verify the sustainability of business activities of supported persons in the framework of CCO (Moravian Silesian Region) project.
Duration of the project: March 1, 2013 - November 30, 2014.
Active women 50+ and their employment on local labour market
Project No. CZ.1.04/3.4.04/88.00362

The project offers to 30 women 50+ of the Sumperk district the possibility to obtain new knowledge and skills for improving their position on the labour market. We offer the participating women a retraining course “Business Basics“, a specialized training course “Active Woman 50+“, work and balance analysis done by an expert. To 10 women we will offer a job for the period of 6-12 months with selected employers or support in initiating their own business.
Within the project framework we will introduce focused measures for improvement of equal opportunities for women 50+ on the labour market. We will enable the selected participant women to discover their potential through innovative project tools, such as Job Club and Work Exchange. We will address gender stereotypes and deep-rooted social roles of women 50+. We will increase awareness of businesses of possibilities and advantages of employing our focus group.
Term of the project implementation: 1 December 2012 – 30 November 2014
Implemented within the framework of The Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme and the state budget of the CR – GP 3.4. – Equal opportunities of women and men on labour market and harmonizing work and family life.
Project flyer | ![]() |
Facebook page | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You will find more information at
A study "Gender Issues and Employment under Hybrid Welfare Regime in Central and Eastern Europe" made by University of Economics and Management in the framework of the SIMPACT project as a result of our participation in the SozialMarie Prize for social innovation you can find here:
Support for rural employability through business and employment centres
Project No. CZ.1.04/2.1.01/63.00197
BEC Coop is the recipient of a contribution to wage costs for the creation of 3 jobs within the project No. CZ.1.04/2.1.01/63.00197 CCO (Centre for Community Organizing) - Support for rural employability through business and employment centres.
Duration of the project: February 13, 2012 - January 31, 2013
Grundtvig Learning Partnership, No. 12-Pp-GRU-043 (T-ISSE)
List of partner institutions:
- ADRIMAG - Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado das Serras de Montemuro, Gralheira e Arada
- Lascaux SrL
- Business Innovation Brokers S. Coop.
- Zalai Falvakért Egyesület
- Craigmillar Opportunities Trust
- Sdružení EDUKOL, o.s.
- BEC družstvo – Business and Employment Co-operative
- Regionalna zaklada za lokalni razvoj Zamah
For more information please find on the webpage and e-learning platform.
Duration of the project: August 1, 2012 - June 30, 2014